Chagga Concepts of Disability

Artikelnummer: 313916
ISBN/EAN: 9783872149169
von: Elizabeth Elias Silayo (Hauptautor)
Artikelart: Buch
Einband: Softcover
Umfang: 184
Veröffentlicht: 01.07.2023
13,10 CHF
Lieferung innert 7 - 10 Werktagen
Alle Preise inkl. MwSt.
Sprache: Englisch This study investigates and analyses the concept of disability among the Chagga community, a group that lives near the slopes of Kilimanjaro Mountain in the northern part of Tanzania. This work examines the beliefs, rituals, initiation ceremonies and other practices by the Chagga people that involve harming, degrading and excluding people with disabilities. According to the findings, these practices enforce inhuman behaviour towards people with disabilities. This present study offers suggestions for the Chagga community to renew their understanding of human beings and transform their exclusive community to an inclusive one. People in the Chagga community must understand that people are equal and that every individual is worthy and unique. Churches, mosques, government, and non-governmental organisations should act as tools for liberation.
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