Suzana Simon Sitayo (Hauptautor)

The Irkisongo Eunoto Ceremony

Human Sacrificial Practice among the Maasai. Reihe: Makumira Publication, Band 23

Artikelnummer: 313913
ISBN/EAN: 9783872149138
von: Suzana Simon Sitayo (Hauptautor)
Artikelart: Buch
Einband: Paperback
Umfang: 207
Veröffentlicht: 01.09.2018
19,60 CHF
Lieferung innert 7 - 10 Werktagen
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The practice of human sacrifice among the Maasai is against human rights. Killing of a member of their community is against the social laws of the Maasai’however during the Eunoto ceremony a member of the age-set which celebrates the ceremony must die as a sacrifice for his age-set. The study investigates the origin of human sacrifice among the Irkisongo Maasai of Northern Tanzania, Its purpose and outcomes.
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